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America's Largest Safety Banner Company

Safety Banners Users: 92% of the Fortune 500 companies use us for safety banners

Made in Memphis, Tennessee - Founded 1995

© 2006 - 2024 SafetyBanners.Org, all rights reserved.
All images and designs are the copyrighted property of SafetyBanners.Org, all rights reserved.

7S is a path to a safe, productive, and high-quality workplace

SafetyBanners.Org believes the 7th "S" should be represented by the word "synergy". 

Synergy definition:  "Synergy is an interaction or cooperation giving rise to a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts." Isn't that exactly what teamwork is? We think so.

6s and 7s data and informationWorkplace synergy takes place when employees come together to make a greater impact than they would separately.

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5S, 6S, and now 7S is a system that aims to promote and sustain a high level of productivity, quality, and safety throughout a workspace. 5S, 6S, and now 7S, establish a universal set of workplace principals:

Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain, Safety and Synergy.  (We like the word synergy)

The exact terminology often varies slightly between organizations and facilitators. The important aspect is that 5S , 6S and 7S is a structured set of standards and concepts that allow all individuals in any given workplace to be focused on the same goals, improving the quality of life while at work. It is always best when everybody in any work environment completely understands what local and senior management 6s and 7s informationexpects from them on a daily basis.

Our goal here at SafetyBanners.Org is to provide you with the graphic imagery to help you communicate those 5S, 6S and now 7S goals to your entire workforce.

7S is finally making hedway - the seventh S stands for TEAMWORK, but teamwork does not fit with the acronum so it is called several similar terms like Shared values, Spirit, Staff and so on. As we move forward we will incorporate the 7th S in to our products because we believe TEAMWORK is critically important to a safe and productinve workplace.

We here at SafetyBanners.Org like the term SYNERGY. The deffinition of synergy is: "Workplace synergy takes place when employees come together to make a greater impact than they would separately." Isn't that exactly what teamwork is? we think so.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us and express them, including a custom image or product for your company.

America’s #1 Safety Banner Provider for 17 years
Memphis, Tennessee  901-759-0932 Central Time
Owned & Operated by New Tech Graphics, Memphis TN
Founded 1995
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