Safety Banners: Safety is Job #1!
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Workplace safety is a strong concern for most companies and should be regarded as the #1 priority. The safety of employees is of the highest priority. In order to make sure each employee is safe, a safety program is put in place with regular meetings which include evacuation procedures and fall prevention training.
Employers should consult the applicable OSHA standards for the specific requirements applicable to their workplaces.
Management can also demonstrate a commitment to safety by investigating all workplace accidents and encouraging employees to follow all safety procedures. Identify hazards and assess risks. A hazard is a situation or event with the potential to cause harm. Remember, SafetyBanners.Org offers many of our safety banners in Spanish. When we do not offer a Spanish version, we will create a Spanish version just fro you.
Management should be accountable for clearly stipulating safety requirements for employees to follow. To create a safety culture that exhibits accountability, employee job descriptions must be clear and in writing, and must state specifically the issues and requirements regarding safety and health responsibilities. Having these requirements in writing is critical because it greatly reduces opportunities for ambivalence and misinterpretation. Use safety banners to keep the importance of safety in front of your workers.
Our safety banners are designed by professionals with the express purpose of making the maximum industrial safety impact in your facility.
Safety Banners from SafetyBanners.Org
1657 Shelby Oaks Drive North
Suite 101
Memphis, Tennessee 38134
When you expect the best, we deliver.
Safety Banners: Put Down the Cellphone! Facility Safety Banners
CLICK HERE for all our safety banners.
Distracted drivers are 4 times more likely to be in an accident during cell phone usage. Our Cell Phone Safety Banners are some of our better selling banners. All industrial facilities want their employees to be safe when the are on the road both at work and in their personal lives.
Many distractions exist while driving, but cell phones are a top distraction because so many drivers use them for long periods of time each day. Almost everyone has seen a driver distracted by a cell phone, but when you are the one distracted, you often don't realize that driver is you.
CLICK HERE for our NEW safety store, Safety Banners USA (
While no state has a law prohibiting all cell phone use while driving, employers are putting policies in place banning the use of handheld and hands-free devices.
Driving and cell phone conversations both require a great deal of thought. When doing them at the same time, your brain is unable to do either well. For example, it's nearly impossible to read a book and have a phone conversation. While driving, this often results in crashes due to delayed braking times and not seeing traffic signals.
You are four times as likely to crash when using a cell phone while driving. Employers are being held liable up to $25 million for
employee crashes, even when employees use hands-free devices. Use safety banners to keep cell phone safety in front of your workers.
Our safety banners are designed by professionals with the express purpose of making the maximum industrial safety impact in your facility.
Safety Banners from SafetyBanners.Org
1657 Shelby Oaks Drive North
Suite 101
Memphis, Tennessee 38134
When you expect the best, we deliver.