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OSHA Inspection Checklist
Compiled by SafetyBanners.Org and Safety Banners USA
A well-run quality safety program has nothing to fear from an OSHA inspection.

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When an OSHA inspection happens at your facility, you won't get a warning. The best way to prepare for an OSHA inspection is to have an active health and safety program with a safety coordinator or safety manager in charge that regularly assess your OSHA inspection readiness.??The OSHA inspection preparation checklist below covers a wide range of safety topics that are frequently a part of typical OSHA inspection. This is not a complete list; however, this OSHA inspection preparation checklist will help you perform an OSHA pre-inspection assessment of your OSHA inspection readiness. If a topic doesn't apply to your facility, of course skip it, and move on to the next one. Once you are finished, you'll have good sense of where your OSHA Inspection reediness stands

Review Performed By ____________________________________   Date______________
                                                       print your name

 __ All cylinders are legibly labeled to identify their contents.
 __ Every receiver has a pressure gauge and at least one automatic safety valve.
__ There is a current operating permit.
 __ Permit-required confined spaces are only entered with the proper permit and according to the procedures of the confined space program.

__ Regular tests of the confined space atmosphere are performed before and while people are ?? inside a confined space.
__ An attendant is posted outside confined spaces while work is performed in case of an emergency.
__ Respiratory protection is required if the atmosphere in the confined space is unsafe.

__ If an emergency occurs, responders only enter the confined space with respiratory protection and a lifeline.

__ Exits are labeled with exit signs and illuminated so they're always visible.
__ Enough exits exist so people can leave quickly during an emergency.
__ All doors and routes that could be mistaken for exits are marked so people aren't confused about their purpose (such as "NOT AN EXIT" or 'TO STORAGE ROOM").
__ All exits are free from obstructions.

__ Electrical equipment is installed appropriately and receives regular maintenance
__ Necessary labels of electrical hazards are posted on equipment.
__ Employees who will work on or near electrical equipment have received proper training.

__ Temporary wiring such as flexible cords does not cause a tripping hazard.

__ The mandatory OSHA Job Safety and Health Protection Poster is prominently displayed where employees can see it.

__ Emergency phone numbers are clearly posted.

__ All work areas have adequate lighting.
__ Work areas have appropriate ventilation systems.
__ Hazardous substances such as blood and infectious materials are identified.
__ Water for drinking, cooking, and washing is potable

__ The fire alarm system is certified and tested annually.
__ All fire doors are clear from obstructions.
__ Fire extinguishers of the appropriate type are mounted in accessible locations.

__ Fire extinguishers are regularly recharged, and this is noted on the tag.

__ Stocked first aid kits are available in all work areas. Someone is responsible for refilling these on a regular basis.
__ Eyewash stations, sinks, and/or showers are available for flushing the eyes or skin after exposure to harmful substances.
__ Employees have received appropriate first aid training and instructions about what to do in an emergency.

__ Proper storage containers and methods are used to prevent spontaneous combustion of materials.

__ All combustible waste, debris, and scrap is stored in metal containers and removed from the worksite appropriately.

__ Employees who operate forklifts have received proper training for the fork trucks they operate.
__ Untrained employees are not allowed to operate forklifts.
__ Forklifts are equipped with warning horns that can be heard above normal noise levels.

__ Brakes that can bring trucks to a complete stop especially when the truck is fully loaded.

__ The workplace is clean and sanitary.
__ The workplace is organized-tripping hazards and other problems associated with a messy workplace do not exist.

__ The minimum number of restrooms is provided for employees.

__ Employees are trained so they understand hazards and can read SDSs and labels, plus know how to safely handle chemicals such as acids, bases, caustics, etc.
__ Employees who handle hazardous chemicals must wear appropriate PPE.
__ There is a comprehensive list of hazardous substances used in the workplace and the corresponding SDS for each chemical.
__ Employees are trained so they understand hazards and can read SDSs and labels, plus know how to safely handle chemicals such as acids, bases, caustics, etc.

__ Employees are trained so they understand OSHA's blood borne pathogens standard.

__ All tools used in the workplace are in good condition.
__ Moving parts are guarded to prevent injury.

__ Tools are stored in a secure, dry location.

__ All ladders are in good condition and receive maintenance when needed.

__ All employees have received training about how to safely use a ladder.

__ Procedures require that all equipment is de-energized or disengaged and locked out during maintenance or cleaning

__ All machinery and equipment are regularly inspected and serviced as needed.
__ Power shut offs are within reach of operators.
__ Emergency stop buttons are red.

__ Noise levels in the workplace do not exceed 85 decibels.

__ In locations where loud noises occur, employees always wear hearing protection.

__ Appropriate PPE such as face, head, eye, hand, and foot protection are available for employees who need to wear it to safely perform their jobs.

__ Procedures exist for testing, storing, and cleaning of PPE.

__ Outlets and taps attached to pipes with non-portable water are marked as unsafe for drinking, washing, etc.
__ Where colored painted bands or tapes are used on pipelines, they are spaced at appropriate intervals and at outlets, valves, and connection points.
__ A color code is posted for pipes so employees can see what hazards pipes present.

__ Names and name abbreviations are easily visible on pipe labels.

__ All injuries and illnesses, other than those only requiring first aid, are recorded in the OSHA 300 log.

__ Employee training records are available for review.

__ An active safety program exists for maintaining employee safety and health, and it's clear who oversees this program.

__ Vehicles that transport employees have brakes, lamps, mirrors, horns, windshields, and turn signals and are in good working condition.

__ Vehicles have handrails, steps, and other devices to help employees mount or dismount.

__ All aisles are appropriately marked and unobstructed.
__ Holes in the walking surface are covered or repaired so people can walk safely.
__ Non-slip materials are used on wet surfaces to improve traction.
__ Walkways that pass by moving equipment or other hazards are positioned so people won't be exposed to hazards.

__ Compressed air gas cylinders are examined on a regular basis for leaks, rust, or defects.
__ Signs clearly stating smoking, matches, and other ignition sources are not allowed are posted.

__ PPE including eye protection, helmets, goggles, and hand shields meet standards.

__ Documented Hazard Communication System exists, and all Safety Data Sheets are available to all employees.
__ The lockout/tagout program is clearly written so employees know how to de-energize equipment.
__ A written respiratory protection program that lays out the rules of selecting, testing, wearing, storing, and cleaning all personal protective equipment (PPE).

A well-run quality safety program has nothing to fear from an OSHA inspection.

Compiled by SafetyBanners.Org 
Memphis Tennessee, since 1995



Safety Banners: Electrical Safety in an Industrial Facility

Electricity is such a vital part of our everyday lives that we often underestimate its ability to cause serious injury.  Even a household current of 120 volts has the capability to stop your heart so it’s no wonder that proper electrical safety is imperative in the industrial workplace. As such, electricity has long been recognized as a safety banners product number 1131serious workplace hazard.  Electrical safety should always be a top concern amongst facilities who employ engineers, electricians and other professionals dealing with electricity because of how dangerous working with electricity can be Often, electrical safety banners help communicate electrical safety to the workers.. 

Electrical safety must be adhered to when working with overhead lines, cable harnesses and any circuit assembly. Therefore, all employees need to be aware of the possible hazards electricity poses.  OSHA has strict electrical safety standards in place to protect employees from being exposed to perilous situations such as electric shock, electrocution, fires, and explosions.  One of the best ways to make employees aware and cognizant of electrical safety is through electrical safety banners and electrical safety posters in the industrial workplace. 

Employees aren’t always familiar with the electrical safety issues required in their work environment and that makes them more susceptible to the possibility of electrocution.  Identifying these electrical safety concerns is the first step in ensuring a safe industrial workplace for all your employees as well as your facility.  A visual display of electrical safety warnings and pictograms on banners and posters throughout your facility will keep employees conscious of electrical safety for themselves and their surroundings so that they are able to help reduce or eliminate the risk of injury associated with this type of work.

1051Displaying electrical safety banners and electrical safety posters throughout your facility should address the most common dangers associated with electricity and how to prevent those dangers.  A variety of phrases and images relating to the use of insulation, grounding, using electrical protective devices and following safe work practices are ideal for effective electrical safety displays.  Once these measures are in place, you can help aid your employees in preventing electrical hazards in the workplace.


Memphis, Tennessee

Safety Banners: Hazard Communication in an Industrial Facility

Hazard Communication is vitally important to facilities that deal with chemicals and other hazardous materials.  PPE safety banner 1063Hazard communication is most commonly conveyed through signage, labels and safety data sheets.  Safety banners, safety posters, safety floor and safety wall stickers are the best way to display hazard communication to your employees while also satisfying OSHA safety requirements for your business.  Keeping your hazard communication signage up to date is imperative for the safety of your employees and customers.  It also allows for increased productivity improvements and cost savings within your facility.

To ensure chemical safety in the workplace, proper hazard communication signage such as safety banners, safety posters and safety decals are the best way to provide information that identifies the chemicals present as well as the hazards associated with each chemical.  This is achieved through proper Hazard Communication and is required within OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS).  OSHA requires any company that manufactures or imports chemicals to evaluate the hazards and display the hazard communication information clearly for all employees and customers to see.  This is one of the reasons why clear and concise hazard communication is so important for everyone’s safety. 

safety banners product number 1420Correct and identifiable hazard communication classification conveys specific criteria for health and physical safety hazards by using words, symbols and pictograms.  It is very important that you have a hazard communication statement present for each class and category of chemical hazard present in your facility.  This is where safety banners, safety posters and safety decals can become a vital asset in achieving your hazard communication goals. 

Safety banners, safety posters, safety wall stickers and durable safety floor decals are an excellent way to visually display the particular hazard communications within your facility.  Once you have the appropriate hazard communication in place, you will increase employee safety and decrease potentially dangerous activities that cause accidents which will reduce liability for your facility business and allow for a safe, happy and productive workplace.


Memphis, Tennessee

Safety Banners: Use PPE safety banners to increase PPE use awareness in an Industrial Facility or Fulfillment Warehouse.


To have a totally safe environment, wearing the proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is a must in every American industrial and warehouse facility. Using PPE safety banners a s constant reminders to use, check and replace your PPE must be widely utilized.  Creating a habit for Personal Protective Equipment use can be created in two simple steps, reminders, and 1063accountability.

Step One, Reminders:

The most efficient way to give constant reminders to everyone is to strategically place PPE safety banners or PPE safety posters with a message that quickly conveys the message to stay safe with PPE. 

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Having a checkpoint with a PPE safety banner telling everyone “Safety Starts Here” with images that clearly depict the required PPE is a perfect way to keep safety on their minds.  Constant repetition of safety awareness is the easiest way to keep safety on their minds and that is exactly what PPE safety banners and PPE safety posters do for your work environment.  A well-placed PPE safety banner with an accurate safety message in your industrial facility or warehouse will be a daily reminder to practice the proper PPE requirements and eventually will become second nature, creating a safer environment for everyone. 

Step Two Accountability:

Work Smart Work Safe PPE safety banner item 1052Accountability of oneself is the most important, being the first person to recognize that the PPE is there to keep you safe first is vital to building the proper habit of wearing proper PPE.  You must be aware of what your situation is all the time, and you must be aware that PPE is not safety but a measure of protection if something were to go wrong.  PPE safety banners and PPE safety posters are an invaluable tool in keeping workers informed about proper PPS use and awareness. Be accountable for yourself and your actions, if you don’t take care of your safety first, how can you help to keep others safe?  If you see something say something, one person’s bad habits could lead to the injury of you.  Reminding others also helps to reinforce the first step, to always keep safety on your mind.  You must always be accountable, there are no exceptions!

If you implement these two steps you will make great strides in creating a safe facility and ultimately a safety conscious person.


Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and wear you PPE… ALWAYS.

YOUR Friends at Safety Banners.Org and Safety Banners USA

Memphis, Tennessee

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