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Safety Banners for Attitude and Teamwork in American industry.
                Safety Banners built in Memphis, Tennessee USA.

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A good attitude and employee teamwork are important in American industry! Safety Banners can help.

Good Attitude and worker Teamwork can help improve safety and quality.

Researchers have identified 10 teamwork processes that fall into three categories:

  • Transition processes (between periods of action)
    • Mission analysis
    • Goal specification
    • Strategy formulation
  • Action processes (when the team attempts to accomplish its goals and objectives)
    • Monitoring progress toward goals
    • Systems monitoring
    • Team monitoring and backup behavior
    • Coordination
  • Interpersonal processes (present in both action periods and transition periods)
    • Conflict management
    • Motivation and confidence building
    • Affect management

Researchers have confirmed that performing teamwork works better when you are with a close person. This is due to a chemical called serotonin Hydroxytryptamine which helps an individual to communicate better and think more positively which. Serotonin is produced when an individual is in a situation where he/she is in comfortable environment. Sometime it just doesn't work. What does this mean?

Training to improve teamwork

As in a 2008 review, "team training promotes teamwork and enhances team performance". In specific, an analysis of several published and unpublished studies concluded that team training is "useful for improving cognitive outcomes, affective outcomes, teamwork processes, and performance outcomes.


  • Problems solving: A single brain can’t bounce different ideas off of each other. Each team member has a responsibility to contribute equally and offer their unique perspective on a problem to arrive at the best possible solution. Teamwork can lead to better decisions, products, or services. The quality of teamwork may be measured by analyzing the following six components of collaboration among team members: communication, coordination, balance of member contributions, mutual support, effort, and cohesion. In one study, teamwork quality as measured in this manner correlated with team performance in the areas of effectiveness (i.e., producing high quality work) and efficiency (i.e., meeting schedules and budgets). A recent analysis also found a relationship between teamwork and team effectiveness.
  • Healthy competition: A healthy competition in groups can be used to motivate individuals and help the team excel.
  • Developing relationships: A team that continues to work together will eventually develop an increased level of bonding. This can help people avoid unnecessary conflicts since they have become well acquainted with each other through team work. Team members’ ratings of their satisfaction with a team is correlated with the level of teamwork processes present.
  • Everyone has unique qualities: Every team member can offer their unique knowledge and ability to help improve other team members. Through teamwork the sharing of these qualities will allow team members to be more productive in the future.

    Attitude: Daniel Katz classified attitudes into four different groups based on their functions

    1. Utilitarian: provides us with general approach or avoidance tendencies
    2. Knowledge: help people organize and interpret new information
    3. Ego-defensive: attitudes can help people protect their self-esteem
    4. Value-expressive: used to express central values or beliefs

    Utilitarian People adopt attitudes that are rewarding and that help them avoid punishment. In other words any attitude that is adopted in a person's own self-interest is considered to serve a utilitarian function. Consider you have a condo, people with condos pay property taxes, and as a result you don't want to pay more taxes. If those factors lead to your attitude that " Increases in property taxes are bad" you attitude is serving a utilitarian function.

    Knowledge People need to maintain an organized, meaningful, and stable view of the world. That being said important values and general principles can provide a framework for our knowledge. Attitudes achieve this goal by making things fit together and make sense. Example:

    • I believe that I am a good person.
    • I believe that good things happen to good people.
    • Something bad happens to Bob.
    • So I believe Bob must not be a good person.

    Ego-Defensive This function involves psychoanalytic principles where people use defense mechanisms to protect themselves from psychological harm. Mechanisms include:

    • Denial
    • Repression
    • Projection
    • Rationalization

    The ego-defensive notion correlates nicely with Downward Comparison Theory which holds the view that derogating a less fortunate other increases our own subjective well-being. We are more likely to use the ego-defensive function when we suffer a frustration or misfortune.


    • Serves to express one's central values and self-concept.
    • Central values tend to establish our identity and gain us social approval thereby showing us who we are, and what we stand for.

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