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Safety Banners Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Banners are Valuable Year-Round
                Safety Banners built in Memphis, Tennessee USA.

                                          Our Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Banners are used by most of the Fortune 500 companies!
for all our Slips Trips & Falls safety banners.

Safety Banners Starting at $68 in 12 Sizes Delivered in 3 days

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slips trips falls safety banner 1119slips trips falls safety banner 1089  slips trips falls safety banner 1093



Prevent Slips trips and Falls from Bringing You Down item 1380
Slips Trips Falls Prevention safety banner item 1146Prevent Falls from ladders ladder safety banner item 1381




Slips, Trips and Falls are a serious problem in American industry! Safety Banners can help!!

Safety Banners for Slips, trips and falls help awareness of potential hazards:

Employee exposure to wet floors or spills and clutter that can lead to slips/trips/falls and other possible injuries.

Possible Solutions

    • Keep floors clean and dry In addition to being a slip hazard, continually wet surfaces promote the growth of mold, fungi, and bacteria, that can cause infections.
    • Provide warning signs for wet floor areas.
    • Where wet processes are used, maintain drainage and provide false floors, platforms, mats, or other dry standing places where practicable, or provide appropriate waterproof foot gear.
    • Walking/Working Surfaces Standard requires: Keep all places of employment clean and orderly and in a sanitary condition.
    • Keep aisles and passageways clear and in good repair, with no obstruction across or in aisles that could create a hazard. Provide floor plugs for equipment, so power cords need not run across pathways.
  • Keep exits free from obstruction. Access to exits must remain clear of obstructions at all times.

It’s probably happened to most of us. That momentary lapse of inattention thinking about a personal problem or distracted by an activity that ends in a slip, trip or fall. A stumble down a stairway. A trip over an uneven surface. Slipping on the ice. It can lead to a variety of regrettable events ranging from a simple bruised shin to an extremely serious injury. It’s just one of a variety of conditions and situations that set the stage for slips, trips and falls in the workplace.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, slips, trips and falls make up the majority of general industry accidents, which account for:

  • 15 percent of all accidental deaths per year, the second-leading cause behind motor vehicles
  • About 25 percent of all reported injury claims per fiscal year
  • More than 95 million lost work days per year – about 65 percent of all work days lost

In general, slips and trips occur due to a loss of traction between the shoe and the walking surface or an inadvertent contact with a fixed or movable object which may lead to a fall. There are a variety of situations that may cause slips, trips and falls.

  • Wet or greasy floors
  • Dry floors with wood dust or powder
  • Uneven walking surfaces
  • Polished or freshly waxed floors
  • Loose flooring, carpeting or mats
  • Transition from one floor type to another
  • Missing or uneven floor tiles and bricks
  • Damaged or irregular steps; no handrails
  • Sloped walking surfaces
  • Shoes with wet, muddy, greasy or oily soles
  • Clutter
  • Electrical cords or cables
  • Open desk or file cabinet drawers
  • Damaged ladder steps
  • Ramps and gang planks without skid-resistant surfaces
  • Metal surfaces – dock plates, construction plates
  • Weather hazards – rain, sleet, ice, snow, hail, frost
  • Wet leaves or pine needles
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