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Our front line troop's behind the scenes heroes - the DLA

As a veteran, I can attest to the HUGE impact logistics has on our front line warriors - our warfighters.

Without an outstanding logistics operation, our fighting forces do not have the items they need to defend our country - from food and fuel to ammunition and weapons - logistics is an absolute key to winning any battle and war. We salute the effectiveness of the DLA operation, the quality of your people and most of all your fierce determination to make our front line troops the best supplied fighting force the world has ever known.

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DLA Logo

Thank You For Helping Keep America Safe!

We are a veteran owned company and proud to say the founder served his country during the Vietnam war. We thank all our men and women in the military and all our military support operations people who are helping protect our liberties, our way of life and keep us safe. We are forever in your debt!!

We are also proud to have become the largest supplier of Safety Banners to the DLA and our Military installations every where, shipping safety banners to all 50 states and around the world.

YES!!! - We ship APO/FPO ANWHERE in the World for just $14.75. Thank You for your service to our country.

Our Military and their civilian support personnel get a 10% discount on every order from SafetyBanners.Org:

At the bottom of the checkout page enter your Military Discount Code in the "Corporate Discount Code:" box. If you do not know what your military discount code is, call us at 901-759-0932, Central Time, to get your code.

Who is the DLA:

DLA is the U.S. Department of Defense’s combat logistics support agency, providing worldwide logistics support for the material and personnel readiness and sustainment of the military departments and the unified combatant commands under conditions of peace and war.

The DLA:

- Employs nearly 27,000 civilian and military employees. - Supports more than 2,100 weapon systems. - Manages eight supply chains and 5 million items. - Operates in 48 states and 28 countries. - Administers the storage and disposal of strategic and critical materials to support national defense. - Processes nearly114,200 requisitions and more than 11,000 contract actions a day. - Manages 26 distribution depots worldwide. - Collocates with our warfighters to put supplies where they are most needed. Collocation drives DLA’s warehousing strategy. Positioning material closer to the warfighters allows the DLA to improve military readiness, decrease warfighters wait time and cost; providing effective, efficient and innovative distribution solutions for our warfighters. Want a Custom banner? NO PROBLEM! Give us a call - 901-759-0932. We can create your banner for you. Just Ask.

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