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1657 Shelby Oaks Drive N.

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Serving American industry since 1995



FREE  Slips, Trips and Falls safety posters below will help keep your workers safe and productivity highat your facility.

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Slips, Trips and Falls account for 42% of all major injuries at an American industrial workplace. Slips, trips and falls are definately a safety problem in American industry

Our FREE Slips, Trips and Falls safety posters fit perfectly on a standard 8 1/2” piece paper and can be printed from any office printer. Plus, they are high enough resolution the you can send them out to you local sign shop and have them printed at a much larger size.

Our goal at SafetyBanners.Org and Safety Banners USA is to do our best to supply our customers with the most effective and highest quality safety banners in America.

 Click a free poster below to down load it and help you facility reduce Slips, Trips and falls.

STF Look OutSTF Slip Trip HospitalSTF Keep an Eye OutSTF PreventSTF HospitalSTF Be Aware of Slips Trips and Falls


Free Slips, Trips and Falls Safety Posters brought to you by SafetyBanners.Org    and    Safety Banners USA in Memphis, Tennessee.






Safety Banners: A Simple Tool With Measurable Results

Safety banners are a common sight in industrial workplaces. They are often used to promote safe work practices and to remind workers of potential hazards. But how effective are safety banners in actually improving worker safety?

There is a growing body of research that suggests that safety banners can have a measurable impact on worker safety. For example, a study published in the journal Safety Science found that workplaces that used safety banners had a lower rate of injuries than workplaces that did not [1]. The study also found that the effectiveness of safety banners was increased when they were used in conjunction with other safety programs, such as safety training and safety inspections.

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Why Safety Banners Work

Safety banners work in a number of ways to improve worker safety. Here are a few of the most important:

  • Heightened Awareness: Safety banners serve as constant visual reminders of potential safety hazards. In fast-paced industrial environments, where focus can shift easily, safety banners can help to keep safety at the forefront of workers' minds.
  • Reinforcement of Training: Safety banners can be used to reinforce the safety messages that workers learn during safety training programs. By showcasing key safety messages and pictograms, safety banners can help workers to remember what they learned in training and to apply it to their everyday work tasks.
  • Improved Safety Culture: The presence of safety banners can help to create a culture of safety in the workplace. When workers see that their employer is committed to safety, they are more likely to be committed to safety themselves.

Designing Effective Safety Banners

Not all safety banners are created equal. In order to be effective, safety banners need to be well-designed. Here are a few tips for designing effective safety banners:

  • Keep it Simple: The message on a safety banner should be clear and concise. Workers should be able to read and understand the message in a quick glance.
  • Use Strong visuals: Safety banners should use strong visuals to get attention and to help workers to remember the message.
  • Target the Audience: The message on a safety banner should be tailored to the specific audience of workers who will see it.
  • Change it Up: Don't let safety banners become stale. Regularly change out the safety banners in your workplace to keep them fresh and interesting to workers.

By following these tips, you can design safety banners that will have a measurable impact on worker safety in your American industrial workplace.

Safety Banners Are One Piece of the industrial workplace Puzzle

It is important to remember that safety banners are just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to improving industrial worker safety. In order to have a truly comprehensive safety program, you need to combine safety banners with other safety measures, such as safety training, safety inspections, and employee involvement.

However, when used correctly, safety banners can be a highly valuable tool for improving worker safety in American industrial workplaces.


All information in this article has been thoroughly researched and verified by SafetyBanners.Org, located in Memphis Tennessee.





Safety Banners Impact: The Science Behind Safety Banners

The effectiveness of safety banners is rooted in cognitive psychology. Visuals are processed faster than text, and repeated exposure strengthens memory. Safety banners leverage these principles. Using clear, concise messages and eye-catching visuals quickly a properly designed safety banner can capture a worker’s attention and leave a lasting impression. Over time, repeated exposure to these safety messages encourages the development of safe habits.

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Safety Banners Have A Measurable Impact on Facility Safety

Studies have shown that industrial safety banners can contribute to a significant reduction in workplace accidents. A 2019 report by the National Safety Council found that comprehensive safety programs that included visual reminders like safety banners could reduce workplace injuries by up to 60%. Reduced accidents translate not only to a safer work environment but also to lower workers' compensation costs and improved productivity.

When a company can reduce workplace accidents by as much as 60%, it is almost inevitable that a company will search out companies that offer high quality, high impact safety banners.

Our goal at SafetyBanners.Org is to produce the highest quality safety banners on the market while developing safety banner designs that have the maximum impact on workplace safety and in turn increase the workers productivity.

Plus, all our safety banners at SafetyBanners.Org are 100% guaranteed. When your company or facility need the very best in industrial workplace safety banners, Safety Banners.Org delivers.

All information in this article has been thoroughly researched and verified by SafetyBanners.Org, located in Memphis Tennessee.





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SafetyBanners.Org is owned and operated by Memphis Banners, Memphis, Tennessee. Founded 1995.
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