SAFETY Banners from America's Largest Supplier of Safety Awareness Banners
SAFETY from America's Largest Supplier of Safety Awareness Banners Safety can improve company moral as well as help reduce cost. Safety awareness can be enhanced with safety banners.
Safety is a relative term. Safety in the workplace can be both a morale booster and save company money. Several studies have shown that when a company makes safety a priority, employee productivity goes up, morale goes up and total cost goes down. Management discussing Safety and Health Topics with employees enforces a companies’ commitment to keeping it’s workers safe and healthy on the job.
CLICK HERE for our NEW safety store, Safety Banners USA ( assessments to determine performance gaps and improvement opportunities in your Safety Management System. This will help you to evolve a framework of safety processes and procedures that help your company to achieve its safety objectives, and integrate safety in the business.
Companies should use employee surveys to understand and improve Safety Leadership and Employee Engagement. Working to improve this shared ownership and responsibility will enhance your safety culture.
Continue risk reduction through a repeated process focused on operational risk and how to make worker jobs safer. Whether the problem is overexertion, slips, trips or falls, we can help you to understand risk and how to reduce it. Safety is a 24/7 proposition.
Use benchmarking and performance measurement to see how you safety efforts compare to your peer groups, how you have improved, and what gaps you have to close. Data strategies that allow for safety benchmarking, measuring improvement over baseline and predictive, prescriptive modeling Improving work safety is a topic, and a goal, that should be on everyone’s mind.
According to the US Department of Labor, every year almost 6000 people are fatally injured at work. More than four million more people suffer non-fatal injuries, including over a million of which cause them to miss one or more days of work. What’s even worse than the bare statistics is that a great many of these deaths and injuries were due to carelessness and negligence, improper safety procedures and could have easily been avoided by paying more attention to safety guidelines.
Employers are required to provide a safe workplace, but ultimately your safety at work is your own responsibility. If you feel like your environmentis unsafe and your complaints fall on deaf ears, you should look for employment elsewhere. Of course, some jobs and industries are inherently more hazardous than others and if you have one of these jobs, you’ll need to be extra vigilant. Deaths and injuries occur in all kinds of e
mployment sectors and job descriptions, however – factories, construction, office work, farming, information technology, etc. The lack of work safety is a big problem and we should do everything we can to reduce the number of deaths and injuries at work.
Thankfully, there are a great many things you can do to improve your own personal safety at work. You can also create an atmosphere of safety awareness among your coworkers and supervisors, as well as lobby your employer to improve safety policies, practices, and training. Be pro-active when it comes to workplace safety. Don’t wait for others to pick up the ball. While you’re waiting, you may wind up getting injured. So take it upon yourself to do what you can to improve your own workplace safety.
Safety must be kept visible and present in the company workplace at all times. Safety banners are a very effective way to keep workers focused on safety while at work.
1657 Shelby Oaks Drive N.
Memphis, TN 38134
Serving American industry since 1995
Safety Banners: Safety Awareness Banners that are Hiigh Impact and Motivating
Safety Awareness Banners that have a Hi-Impact, are Motivating, Vibrant and made from Premium Industrial Grade reinforced vinyl? Safety Banners are used by every major industry in America to increase safety awareness, reduce accidents and increase productivity.
SafetyBanners.Org is the largest Safety Banners Manufacturer in the U.S. with over 11,000 customers and over 87% of the fortune 500. With over 700 standard safety banners, it is highly likely we can meet your needs. However, if you need custom safety banners, call us. We can design a custom safety banner that meets your specific need.
CLICK HERE for our NEW safety store, Safety Banners USA ( are focused as a specialist in industrial workplace safety banners. That is why the prices on our safety banners are so low and our variety so great. There is a reason we are the NUMBER ONE safety banners manufacturer in the USA.
Reinforce your safety program with vibrant eye-catching safety awareness banners. Our unique designs grab workers attention and help keep safety top of mind.. Safety banners are a great tool to help you prevent accidents and recognize safety accomplishments. Plus, safety banners are great for building community and bringing your team together.
We are a Veteran Owned Business who's founder served in our military during the Vietnam War. We understand and appreciate the selfless sacrifice our military men and women, AND THEIR FAMILIES, have made, are now making and will make to keep you and I and our children, our country and our way of life safe. We are forever in your debt. Thank You.
Thank you for your time and have a SAFE and SUPER Day .
If you have ANY QUESTIONS, please call us - 901-759-0932 (Central Time).
1657 Shelby Oaks Drive N.
Memphis, TN 38134
Serving American industry since 1995